History of the World
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$Title{Koran (Qu'ran)
Title: Koran (Qu'ran)
Author: Allah
Sura LXV. - Divorce ^1
[Footnote 1: Comp. Sura [xci.] ii. 228, which this Sura is perhaps intended
to supplement. Wahidi and Beidhawi state that it was revealed on account of
Ibn Omar who had divorced his wife at improper time, and was obliged to take
her again.]
Mecca. - 12 Verses
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
O Prophet! when ye divorce women, divorce them at their special times.
And reckon those times exactly, and fear God your Lord. Put them not forth
from their houses, nor allow them to depart, unless they have committed a
proven adultery. This is the precept of God; and whoso transgresseth the
precept of God, assuredly imperilleth his own self. Thou knowest not
whether, after this, God may not cause something new to occur which may bring
you together again.
And when they have reached their set time, then either keep them with
kindness, or in kindness part from them. And take upright witnesses from
among you, and bear witness as unto God. This is a caution for him who
believeth in God and in the latter day. And whoso feareth God, to him will
He grant a prosperous issue, and will provide for him whence he reckoned not
upon it.
And for him who putteth his trust in Him will God be all-sufficient.
God truly will attain his purpose. For everything hath God assigned a
As to such of your wives as have no hope of the recurrence of their
times, if ye have doubts in regard to them, then reckon three months, and let
the same be the term of those who have not yet had them. And as to those who
are with child, their period shall be until they are delivered of their
burden. God will make His command easy to him who feareth Him.
This is God's command which He hath sent down to you: Whoso feareth God,
his evil deeds will He cancel and will increase his reward.
Lodge the divorced wherever ye lodge, according to your means; and
distress them not by putting them to straits. And if they are pregnant, then
be at charges for them till they are delivered of their burden; and if they
suckle your children, then pay them their hire and consult among yourselves,
and act generously: And if herein ye meet with obstacles, then let another
female suckle for him.
Let him who hath abundance give of his abundance; let him, too, whose
store is scanty, give of what God hath vouch-safed to him. God imposeth
burdens only according to the means which He hath given. God will cause case
to succeed difficulties.
How many cities have turned aside from the command of their Lord and of
his apostles! Therefore did we reckon with them in a severe reckoning, and
chastised them with a stern chastisement;
And they tasted the harmfulness of their own conduct: and the end of
their conduct was ruin.
A vehement chastisement hath God prepared for them! Fear God, then, O
ye men of understanding! ^1
[Footnote 1: In order to make good the rhyme, verse 10 ought to be continued
to the end of the first clause of verse 11.]
Believers! Now hath God sent down to you a warning! a prophet, who
reciteth to you the clear signs of God, that he may bring those who believe,
and do the things that are right, out of the darkness into the light. And
whoso believeth in God, and doeth the things that are right, God will cause
them to enter the gardens beneath which the rivers flow, to remain therein
for aye! A goodly provision now hath God made for him.
It is God who hath created seven heavens and as many earths. ^1 The
Divine command cometh down through them all, that ye may know that God hath
power over all things, and that God in his knowledge embraceth all
[Footnote 1: Lit. and of the earth, their likes. The style of this verse
resembles that of the Meccan Suras. Hence, probably, a tradition in Omar ben
Muhammad makes the whole Sura Meccan.]